AutoTrading lets you choose any system on this Web site and have its trades placed automatically in your real-life brokerage account.
AutoTrade features include:
- Trade any system. You can AutoTrade any system you see on this Web site.
- You control trade size. Set a maximum number of contracts, or maximum dollar value for stocks.
- Trade multiple systems at once. You can AutoTrade as many trading systems as you like in one brokerage account -- even if the systems trade the same things, and even if the systems trade in opposite directions!

Make your trades as big... or small... as you want.
- Trade anything. AutoTrade supports stocks, options, futures, and forex.
- Monitor trades, positions, and profit-and-loss in real time. You can log in to this Web site and see all your trading status on one screen.
- Intervene whenever you want. You can close positions early to take a profit, or to stop a loss. See a trade you like? Increase its size. (Or decrease the size of trades you don't like.)*
- AutoSync technology keeps your account "synced up." If you've been around computers and the Internet for any length of time, you know that "bad stuff happens." Brokers' servers go down. They come back up. Internet connections fail. They get restored. We aren't surprised by "bad stuff"; we expect it. And we've designed AutoTrade to overcome it. Our advanced AutoSync technology is constantly monitoring your real-life brokerage account, and comparing it to what you should have in the account, based on your instructions and the trading system's trade record. We will adjust your account automatically to make sure you stay in sync with your chosen systems. Which means that even if something unexpected happens, you can expect that AutoSync will take care of you

AutoTrade places trades on your behalf, in your broker account.
Scale your account to take any percentage of your Strategy's size you'd like (default is 100%,
which means you take the same exact position size as the Strategy):
Set automatic stop losses for each position, at a dollar value you choose.
- Automatic Stop Losses. Our servers will automatically place a stop loss order for each position opened by your trading system, at whatever dollar amount you specify. This happens regardless of whether the trading-system uses its own stop losses. (Stop Loss orders may not limit your losses in all market conditions.)
- Easy to use. If you can press a button, you can set up AutoTrading. Just surf around this Web site. When you find a system you like, press the AutoTrade button, like this: AutoTrade