BrokerTransmit Program Explained

The BrokerTransmit feature allows account holders to publish their live trades (not demo) as a strategy on C2 without needing to enter the orders on C2. Every manual trade in the brokerage account appears as a trade signal on the strategy, and anyone can subscribe to the resulting strategy and AutoTrade it in real time just like any other strategy. 

  1. Signals that are sent to the strategy on C2 will be entered as market orders. Stop/limit orders are not currently supported.
  2. BrokerTransmit publishes positions, not orders, and only when order is fully filled.
  3. Existing strategies can be used or a new strategy can be created for the user's manual trades. 
  4. There can be up to only one Leader strategy per brokerage account.
  5. The user can select any combination of asset classes in a Leader strategy. (e.g. user could choose to publish only his futures trades as a Leader, even if he also manually trades stocks).
  6. AutoSync will sync the Leader's brokerage account manual positions with the Leader strategy.
  7. Anyone on C2 can subscribe to a Trade Leader strategy just like any other strategy.
  8. Trade Leader accounts cannot AutoTrade their own Leader strategy because they are already labeled as the strategy publisher.
  9. TOS Badge: Strategy will automatically earn the TOS badge after more than 10 trades have been executed.
  10. BrokerTransmit requires a Premium Trade Leader plan.


Approval Process:

  • Strategy owner clicks on BrokerTransmit under Trade Leader Tools in the left side menu.
  • Click on 'Set up my broker account for Broker Transmit'.
  • Select Broker, connection and enter account number. Account Owner name, instruments, Choose strategy, Next Step.
  • Request for BrokerTransmit is sent to C2 admin for processing and broker approval.
  • Contact C2 help desk for questions or status on approval.

Things to know:

  • Open Trades in broker account:  Open trades in brokerage account will be opened in the strategy at market. If you do not want this, make sure your account is flat before connecting it for BrokerTransmit.
  • C2 Webtrader: Trades on the C2 Webtrader screen are not allowed when BrokerTransmit is active. Only trades entered or originating from the approved broker account will be valid.
  • Certain option related stock transactions such as assignments and exercises will not count toward the TOS participation %. We can only show transactions with specific execution identities that we can verify.