How do I create a discount coupon or give a free month to a new subscriber?

Want to offer a discount to attract subscribers?

You can generate a coupon code for new subscribers (i.e. customers not currently subscribed) by clicking the Generate discount coupon for new subscribers link from your Subscriber Management screen (Subscribers menu > List Subsribers). On screen instructions will walk you through the steps to create a coupon that you can use single or multiple times and grant new subscribers a discounted subscription fee. Once a coupon code is generated, forward it to your interested customers and remind them to type in this code at the time of subscription to automatically get the discount.

Remember, a coupon code may be used by one or multiple customers.


1) Coupon codes can be generated for new users only. If you would like to create an offer for an existing subscriber, please use the Custom Billing feature.

2) Coupon code cannot be generated under Starter Trade Leader Plan.